Saturday, March 10, 2007

A Saturday in the Life of One Camera-less

Camera has port for the computer. While we wait for the bundle of joy and amateur shutter action, I've put together a little list of recent knits and happenings. I feel bad that I'm not upholding my blogger duties, and I assure you that this will be considerably dull and NOT knit-worthy, but since I am only a mediocre knitter as compared to Mimi and Gina and Loren...and most certainly the knitting royalty, such as Virginia and Sandy...but I'll share a few random slices of weirdness...just to make you all shake your heads and confirm your suspicions that I'm a fruitcake. By the way, Pepper Jack says hi...he will be one year old on Thursday!! Time for a new chewie!

Just so you know......

  1. Fruitcakes, by the way, are good things. Jimmy Buffet says, "there's a little bit of fruitcake in everyone of us."

  2. I now have five projects that I love equally... I'm working on each one a little at a time. These are: the Eco-wool poncho, the felted bag, my knit cinch bag, the dream swatch, and NOW....drum roll, please... the yumarific Schaefer Magic Loop socks, brought to life by Sandy, who introduced me to the Magic Loop concept. However, since I am doing only one sock at a time, I will need you all to nag me about starting the second sock once I finish the first. I'm afraid I won't want to do it...but the yarn is really so incredibly beautiful...hopefully that will keep me going.

  3. The dishwasher people are STILL not here to fix my dishwasher. I am pruning up bigtime from washing up after four people, two dogs, and a cat.

  4. Today we whisked one child to a birthday party, drove through half the county for the other child's playdate, baked a citrus chicken, worked a very bizarre writing assignment, battled the late night strangeness at the grocery store (which, by the way, has NO peanut butter to speak of...can all the peanut butter in the world be contaminated and removed from all the shelves? Even the masses have cleaned out the natural brands!), ate several cookies (for shame!).... and we are now enjoying "Ferris Bueller's Day Off." Because....

"Life moves pretty fast...if you don't stop and look around for a while, you might miss it."

I hope you all have a great weekend (what still remains), and I will be back with photos early in the week. Sorry to disappoint everyone! ~ hUgS!


Anonymous said...

I really am loving your meez - bel- it's perfect. I wish I could get mine to the other side of the page. Maybe we can work on it on Wednesday. There is nothing better than peanut butter and saltines for a late afternoon snack. Just think of all the calories you are saving. You, by the way, are a great knitter.

Vouray said...

Yes, you can knit anything. You can also figure any knitting out. I listen to you when a customer comes in with a problem. You either know the answer already or you think until you figure it out. That is the mark of a expert knitter...even if you are not knitting expert can.

Bel said...

You are such sweet people. I have lots to learn, trust me. Debbie, too, is a whiz at patterns and such. I'm afraid I can be a "I'll just wing it and it will work" kind of girl with my own projects...which SURELY won't work with most patterns. But practice, practice! Which is where helping all of the customers with patterns helps as well. Anyway, thanks, guys. *blush*

jody said...

I think the ratings on most patterns are a bunch of bunk-I've knit "experienced" and "advanced" patterns with no problems and been driven to tears by "easy" patterns-it is all a matter of choosing what works best with you skills and talents and always pushing yourself a bit further-not to mention finding the right pattern that will all of the sudden make a hard concept seem easy-I was terrified of socks b/c they sounded so complicated and one day I found a pattern written in plain old english that just made it all so clear-I think that's how I've learned everything I know about knitting-I just kept looking till I found the clearest possible explanation. plus, I htink working in a knitting shop, you just absorb knitting vibes from the smell of yarn-mmmmmmmmm....

"Meems" said...

I think MOst of the time knitting is "winging" it, thats how you learn. If it doesnt work, do something different. I hope you get your camera thing soon! I wanna see how this poncho is looking@!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.